2/3/2025 Two-Hour Late Start
Please be informed that due to the inclement weather all Tribal Employees will be entitled to excused time off with pay for Monday, February 3, 2025 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
In order to receive pay for the excused time off, the employee must be at work or in an approved
paid leave status on the scheduled workday immediately before and follow.
Please listen to KLND and watch the SRST website and social media pages to receive any
further additional weather announcements made by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
Please take necessary precautions and adhere to watches, advisories, and warnings. Let’s keep our families, friends, first responders, and emergency personnel safe; avoid any unnecessary travel.
Should you have any questions place contact the Human Resource Office at personnel@standingrock.org.
XC: Administration
Human Resources