Entries by Darren Cartwright

3/22/2024 Janet Alkire Press Release

03/22/2024 Press Release Press Release – For Immediate Release March 22, 2024 By Janet Alkire, Chairwoman Standing Rock Sioux Tribe   Governor Kristi Noem’s wild and irresponsible attempt to connect tribal leaders and parents with Mexican drug cartels is a sad reflection of her fear based politics that do nothing to bring people together to […]

3/12/24 Special Council Meeting Agenda

March 12th, 2024 Meeting Agenda SPECIAL TRIBAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 12th, 2024 at 09:00 AM I. Call to Order: Janet Alkire, Chairwoman II. Invocation: Stephanie Yellow Hammer, Councilwoman III. Roll Call: Susan Agard, Tribal Secretary IV. Sergeant at Arms: Jessica Porras, District Rep. V. Approval of Agenda VI. Agenda VII. HEW Meeting 2-9-2024 VIII. […]

3/6/2024 SRST Regular Tribal Council Meeting Agenda

3/6/2024 Council Meeting Agenda STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday March 6th, 2024 9:00 a.m. I. Call to Order: Janet Alkire, Chairwoman II. Invocation: Cyril Archambault, Councilman at Large III. Roll Call: Susan Agard, Tribal Secretary IV. Sergeant At Arms: Wilberta Red Tomahawk, District Councilwoman V. Approval of Agenda VI. Local District Reports: […]

Title X Proposed Amendments

Title X Notice to Post Proposed Amendments NOTICE TO PUBLIC On December 5, 2023 the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council approved to post revisions to Title X (10), Enrollment for ten (10) days. Pursuant to Title XIX of the Code of Justice, any interested persons may submit comments on Title X (10), Enrollment which the […]

Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day 2024 Flyer Memorial Day, Remember and Honor AMERICAN LEGION POST 324 SAL & Auxiliary Memorial Day 2024 May 25th, 2024 09:30am St Elizabeth Wakpala 10:45am HawkBear Family Cemetery 11:45am Messiah Cemetery 1:00pm Holy Spirit Stone Church May 26th, 2024 10:00am Agard Family 11:00am Black Horse 1:00pm Brown Church May 27th, 2024 Black Hills […]