July 9, 2024
WHEREAS, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairwoman, Janet Alkire, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council, pursuant to the amended Constitution of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Article IV, Section 1(c), is empowered to promote and protect the health, education, and general welfare of the members of the Tribe, and to administer charity and such other services as may contribute to the social and economic advancement of the Tribe and its members, and
WHEREAS, the public safety hazard regarding the dangerous tribal road conditions throughout the Standing Rock Reservation which affects the residents and motorists, caused by the heavy rain conditions throughout the months of June and July 2024, and
WHEREAS, the Tribal Roads funding for Tribal Roads maintenance and repair efforts is significantly deficient and does not provide adequate funding for routine maintenance and repair, and
WHEREAS, the environmental conditions have contributed to serious deterioration of the entire tribal roads infrastructure causing dangerous driving conditions this Spring and Summer, and
WHEREAS, the potential exists for major accidents that may threaten the safety and well-being of all vehicular passengers to both Tribal programs, BIA Law Enforcement, residents, and visitors on the Standing Rock Reservation which may result in the loss of life, as well as significant damage to the vehicular modes of transportation, and
WHEREAS, the ability to respond to medical emergencies is inhibited and poses threats to all Emergency Responders on the Standing Rock Reservation, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Janet Alkire, Chairwoman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, request cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Tribal Roads and Transportation Departments, and do hereby declare a State of Emergency on this date, July 9, 2024 to commence immediately until at such time the dangerous road conditions improve.
Janet Alkire, Chairwoman
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
John Pretty Bear Cannonball District
Sid Bailey, Jr. Long Soldier District
Nola Taken Alive
Frank Jamerson Susan Agard
Charles Walker
Jeff Cadotte, Sr. Wakpala District
Vice Chairman Secretary
Cyril Archambault
Delray Demery Kenel District
Stephanie Yellow Hammer
Joe White Mountain Jr. Bear Soldier District
Alice Bird Horse
Paul Archambault Rock Creek District
Truth ╬ Compassion
Richard Long Feather
Jessica R. Porras Running Antelope District
Remember Who We Are
Wilberta Red Tomahawk Porcupine District